Sunday, October 01, 2006

Fitness for the Family


It is difficult to lead a conscious stress free life, given so much of life's pressures. Sometimes the stresses of work, circumstantial pressure and family problems lead us to poor eating habits and we end up being indiscipline both in following a healthy diet plan and as well as maintaining a proper health and weight. The benefits of exercising regularly and following a tight healthy diet plan not only helps us a keep a healthy body but also keeps our stress level manageable. The good old days of sitting in the park and cruising throughout the city with friends are gone. Stress now has become a part of lives and in such situation it is always advisable to exercise, since we cannot avoid stress but definitely we can keep the bad effects of it at bay by performing some workout daily.

It is only through a healthy diet, exercising and relaxation that the stress levels can be managed. The individual performing regular workouts and following a balanced diet plan will feel stronger, fresher and more energetic than ever before and obviously the concentration levels will drastically increase leading to more productivity both at work and at home. The prime emotional problems occurs when we don't pay attention to the needs of our body and these could have a lasting effect in our lives which is fatal and often leads to frequent illnesses and the immune system of the individual gets weaker. They sometimes lose weight abnormally and that leads to various health hazards.

When we experience stress every parts of our body gets affected and if we ignore our stress and carry on with our indiscipline life then it will turn for the worse with every passing day. It must be dealt immediately.

The following things occur when we ignore our stress-:

1. Immune system gets weaker and compromised making way for frequent illnesses.

2. Moods will be bitter most of the time and you will turn harder to be associated with.

3. The diet can be affected by over eating or under eating. Obviously this will affect the body weight, blood sugar levels and cholesterol levels as well. So, it is always advisable to maintain a healthy diet plan.

4. The energy levels will dramatically reduce making it harder for you to concentrate at work, family and other important issues. And obviously it will bring down your productivity and performance level as a whole.

For ignoring the stress it only gets compounded with time leading to more stress related problems. The chances are such that, an individual can be come unhealthy, short tempered, depressed and tired all the time. And from there arises life threatening diseases such as high blood pressure, high levels of cholesterol, obesity , heart attacks to name a few.
So therefore it is highly recommended that one should make a little time in their busy life to exercise and relax and follow a well balanced healthy diet plan. It is also a very good idea if one can get hooked to practices like yoga, meditation etc which also helps in reducing stress to a great extent.


If an individual wants to shed those extra pounds, then the prime focus should be on increasing the amount of exercise for that one gets and rather not putting a check on the amount of food intake. A recent study was performed using two groups of sedentary men one group in their 20's and the other over the age of 65. The study was definitely fruitful and a lot was learned from the accumulated data and it is quite interesting to note that there is a direct relationship between lack of exercise or physical activity and fat.

The study also revealed that the current recommendation of the government's daily allowance for calorie intake is unrealistic. Since, it is in no way correlated with the amount of calories being burnt by the body in older men , for example , a older men can burn around 2800 calories a day whereas the governments recommendations is below 2400 calories.

The leading and eminent experts now recommend that people who want to lose weight or want
to undergo a weigh loss plan should start increasing their physical activity. Just altering those small habits can do the magic, like taking the staircase instead of the elevator, moving around instead of sitting on the chair for long etc. Losing weight can really be fun if it can be done with enthusiasm and excitement. Physical activities like rock climbing, walking, jogging, aerobics or simply to keep your body on the move can work magically for anyone wanting to losing weight.
On an average $30 billion a year is spend alone in America on various diet programs , weight loss plans, weight loss products , weight loss pills, surgeries are to name a few, just to lose weight. But the bitter fact is they often do lose some weight, just only to regain even more five years later. The cause - fast lifestyle and automation at workplace.

Recently, a national panel sought data just to determine which weight loss or diet plan could provide long term benefit. Sadly enough not a single program could do so. Being heavily overweight and obese gives way to several other diseases and health problems and it is a time proven fact that when the caloric intake becomes excessive then some of the excessive becomes
saturated fat.

Individuals who diet without attaching any physical activity to back it up, often gets fatter with time. Although the weight may initially drop to some extent due to dieting, as the superficial fat mostly consists of water molecules and muscles. But when it returns, it comes back as fat. Therefore to avoid getting fatter with time, it is mandatory to push up the metabolism rate by being actively involved in physical activities.

Walking is one of the best exercises of all time. It strengthens bones, controls and helps to lose weight, tones the leg muscles, improves good posture and builds up positive self esteem. To lose weight simply by walking, the important factor is not the speed but the span; one is involved in the physical activity. High intensity walking done frequently definite yields result in the long term.

When it comes to achieving better health and weight loss, exercise and diet are directly related. Exercising without following a balanced and proper diet plan is as good as not doing anything at all. And the result is an obvious zero.


Amongst all the weight loss plans available in the market, one single factor that is common to all the weight loss plans and works in the long run is- walking. Every successful weight loss program has infused this technique to lose weight effectively. Also, it is definitely a brilliant idea to exercise in the morning. Every morning. Some mornings it is fine to go for a ten minute walk, but above all it is important to start the day with some physical activity. So the obvious question that comes up is "why mornings"?

1. More than 90% of the people, who exercise, do it in the mornings. If an individual wants to exercise in the morning, odds goes to his favor and he feels fresher, and thus can combat stress for the entire day.

2. When exercise and related physical activities are performed in the morning, it pulls up the metabolism rate and keeps it elevated for several hours sometimes up-to 24 hours. It means that the power of burning calories goes up and in turn keeps oneself active throughout the day.

3. When an individual exercises in the morning it keeps him fit and energized for the entire day. And the effects are felt in the first week itself by the doer. It is a very healthy practice for losing weight.

4. Many people feels that the morning workouts, regulates their appetite for the entire day. They feel hungrier and make better food choices. Also there are people for whom exercising in the morning simply sets then into the "perfect mindset" for the day.

5.If an individual exercises every morning, and ideally wakes up at about the same time on a daily basis then the body's endocrine system and circadian system rhythms gets familiar with that and some beautiful things happen in the long term. Just a couple of hours before waking up , the body starts preparing for the waking up and exercising since it knows that "it's going to happen....." why ? Because "it knows that you do the same thing every morning." The benefits also includes:-

a. Its much easier to wake up in the morning. If you wake up at different timings then it confuses your body and thus it is never really "prepared" to awaken.

b. The metabolism rate and all the hormones involved in activity and exercise begins to activate while the individual is sleeping. Thus, the urge and enthusiasm for exercising is more when he wakes up.

c. Hormones prepare the body for exercise by initiating and methodizing the blood pressure level, heart rate, blood flow to muscles etc.

6. For many people across all age groups, that appointed time every morning for exercising, becomes something they look forward to do everyday and eventually it forms a habit. It is the time they have set aside to do something for themselves... to take care of the mind and the body, to relax, to pray, to meditate, to plan or just to relax mentally.

7. Researchers have revealed that exercising increases mental acuity. On an average, it lasts normally up-to four to ten hours post exercising. Therefore, there is no point in wasting those fruitful hours in the morning, in the idle comforts of the bed.

8. If finding time to exercise is difficult to make out of the busy schedule, anyone can get up an hour before (if it's a major priority in life). If necessary go-to bed a little earlier. With time, as exercising forms a habit, soon the body will become more responsive. It will deliver high quality sleep and naturally the body will require less sleep.

And finally, the last but not the least, YOU will feel GREAT!!! Just Do it.

The exercises can be of any type but one thing they have in common is that they burn a lot of calories in the body since any type of exercises require movement in the body and for movement body requires energy. The ability to burn calorie in the body depends on the amount of force exerted by the body to perform that exercise. Thus it is clear that the rate of calorie burning in the body increases on increasing the movement of the body which in turn helps you to lose weight. Let's take an example to explain you further:- Imagine that you want to get to a shop before it closes, but you don't have that much of desire and you walk lazily, as you know if it closes you can get to it some other day as well. In this case the calorie burnt in the body is less since the desire is not there. But had it been some dangerous situation, where you want to escape with all your strength , the desire is strong and so the calorie burnt is more and the movements conducted by the body is also tiring , thus increasing the rate of calories burnt in the body. Therefore, when the importance is high it is easier to enhance the calorie burn in the body provided the person is willing to give the required effort needed for that exercise.

There are two conditions applicable here:-

1. Importance/urgency is low= low motivation= low calorie burn = no weight loss

2. Importance/urgency is high= high motivation= naturally high calorie burn = weight loss.

Before going to the finer details it should be noted that no one should start training and, exercising like an animal to lose weight. Hard training requires initially building up a fitness level. The individuals following any healthy diet plan should not try and attempt hard exercises in their initial stages of weight loss programs. The exercises to be performed at the beginning should be easy and prime focus should be to allow more fat burning and not purely burning calories. Although anyone can increase the rate of burning calories in the body by enhancing the effort in the exercises performed.

There are few ways to burn more calories while exercising: outlined below:-

1. Putting in more effort or exaggerating in each exercise that you perform.

2. Moving the major muscle groups such as legs, back, hands, buttocks etc.

3. Jogging, walking, dancing also requires a lot of calorie burn for balance and hence can be more beneficial than cycling or rowing. In some weight loss plans these are mandatory to follow.

4. Burning calories can be enhanced when movements performed by the body are continuous. This helps in losing weight healthily.

The idea of burning calories and stretching your muscles helps in many ways than one. The benefits are inevitable and are long term. It gives you more energy to concentrate, manageable stress levels and performance enhances t work and at home. If you can cut down some time from your sleep and get up early for performing some movements, the rewards that you get lasts for the rest of your life. In a nutshell, performing exercises is the key to healthy and prosperous health for every individual in today's world.

About the Author
I am a professional dietician and render expertise in weight loss plans with simple and effective steps.

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